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“How might we integrate collaborative vlogging features for beginner vloggers in the Wibble app, so they can create quick collaborative videos easily, on the go”


Inefficient  process  to  create collab  vlogs

Creators that make video content want to create videos with other content creators collaboratively. right now, they would be encumbered to make a video together as there is a tedious process to sharing video clips. Also, getting feedback on edits and iterating towards a final video is very cumbersome.

Seamless access to recording and editing.

  • Simultaneous access to both recording, previewing and editing clips.

  • Quick and easy recording & editing.

  • Easily preview what you just created.

Simplified editing.

  • Easy single hand use.

  • Beginner friendly intuitive trimming, editing, and moving clips.

  • Access clips and get around the timeline with easy gestures.

Eliminating the need for editing.

  • Clips will be automatically edited while recording videos with lenses.

  • Ability to adjust and edit auto edited clips.




Key  insights  from  the  research

We used affinity mapping to make sense of all the data we collected from our research and were able to conclude on these major insights.

  • No beginner-friendly, easily accessible video-sharing method among collaborators as they record videos.

  • No mobile-friendly, easy-to-use feedback system to iterate videos quickly.

  • Discouraging beginner vloggers to make collaborative videos due to the complexities of the process.

Next  steps

Founders loved the idea and they envisioned how we can convert this into a reality. But first, we discussed taking action on the below things by conducting user interviews and user tests.

Validate our assumptions and dig deeper.

  • Identifying specific pain points​

  • Solutions they've tried

  • What don't they like about those solutions they've tried.​

Find some numerical answers.

  • How much does this problem cost them?​

  • How frequent is the problem?

  • How large is their budget?

We used our social media to help with vlogger & vlogging struggles

A feature concept for Wibble app to capture initial user feedback

Collaborative  vlogging

We believe that if we create this collaboration feature for beginner vloggers, we will achieve rapid user adoption and increase the virality of the Wibble app. We will measure this by how many people from our user testing sessions would be willing to subscribe.

A feature that allows users to create collaborative video content simply, easily, and intuitively while having the ability to seamlessly provide feedback and iterate on the go using the Wibble app.

As for research insight, we helped users with self development.

Everybody struggles. We used our social media platforms to boost confidence of beginner users and featuring them in our stories too. 


Solo Product Designer


  • Research

  • Ideate

  • Prototype

  • Pitching viable features


OCT 2021 (7 days)


Wibble is a USA-based startup company aimed at building an easy-to-use mobile (iOS) vlogging tool for beginner vloggers. I led the project as the sole product designer from its inception. As part of my responsibilities, I pitched ideas in concept form to founders. In this case study, I have presented one of my favorite concepts.

Due to unfortunate circumstances and low investment, the co-founders decided to discontinue Wibble. This led to the official closure of Wibble Inc, in March 2022.


  • 002-instagram
  • 001-tiktok
  • 003-youtube

*The App and website were taken down due to company closure.


An app that enables anyone with basic social media knowledge to become a great vlogger. Our goal is to build the simplest vlogging app with easiest capturing & editing with quick sharing capabilities.  


Lack of intuitive mobile-based solutions that allow beginner vloggers to create collaborative vlogs easily on the go.

Case  study  summary


POC feature to capture initial user feedback in order to build viable business opportunities for Wibble.


Understanding  the  problem space  &  users

Design  process

My goal here is to create a pitch to present to the founders expressing one of the most viable opportunities that we could explore further to take Wibble or a separate product that may delight potential users. 

I wanted to conduct minimum viable research as we were tight on our budgets and resources. We took part in scenario-based collaborative vlog creation activity during the weekend to expedite the outcome.

Scenario 1: Created a collaborative birthday video for a colleague

We basically recreated a birthday video that we made for one of our co-founders, Tali. We identified the below information. 

  • Videos were in different aspect ratios when received.

  • Asking for a re-edit & getting it done took a significant time.

  • Having to export every time that I wanted a review and collect feedback to iterate when needed. 

  • Inability to show a precise place in a video for a re-edit request.

  • Miss matching music and sound levels.

  • Reduced quality of videos when receiving from other friends via Whatsapp.

Scenario 2:  A day outing video with friends

A pre-planned hike with friends came in handy. I decided to use this as an opportunity to create a collaborative vlog. Below is the identified information.

  • The gallery is filled with airdropped clips.

  • So many repeated clips from different friends.

  • Took a long time to go through clips and select what suits the vlog.

  • Not everyone was able to receive the videos

  • The Iteration process was painful as many had their preferences of being seen and the way they looked.

  • With too many complexities, I decided to make the video using mostly the clips I shot.

No intuitive beginner-friendly solution is available for mobile vloggers yet in the market.

I couldn’t find mobile-friendly collaborative video content creation tools other than the Canva collaborative video editing. Canva offers a wonderful solution but it doesn’t complement the on-the-go experience for vloggers. It provides the user with template-based video editing. That led me to look into other collaboration tools like Descript, Google docs, Miro, G-drive, Editor X, and Figma to take inspiration to figure out the Wibble collaboration to make it so stupidly simple.

Collaboration feature design empowers users to be creative and allows them to make collaborative videos very efficiently by eliminating the barriers and complexities.

I designed the feature in moments more than as a flow. It helps to keep the interface flexible and allows our team to easily understand the concept and use it as a foundation to improve further.

Below are some of the important moments based on the above research. Further research and user tests will uncover user needs and goals helping us to reshape the experience to be more focused on end-users.

Why a collaborative feature?

Let’s think about creating a travel video with your friends, creating a simple birthday wish for one of your family members, or creating a farewell video for your WFH colleague, it will take so much time and effort from the people who are involved to get to a final video outcome. Sometimes it gets postponed forever and never to be made. This would eliminate the need for the troublesome steps of sharing files amongst each other manually and then having to edit the video in a counterintuitive way to get to a final outcome.

Business goals

  • Enables great Virality.

  • Generate revenue using subscription models.

  • Attract more investors.

  • Distinguished competitive advantage for Wibble.

  • New B2B opportunities.

Simplified  conceptual  model  

Low-fi  user  journey

Message from a friend

"Laki, please, please! Can you remove me from the video where I am resting on the ground? "

Message from a friend  

"oh wait, I have better clips. Seems like I’ve completely missed a few videos to send 😬"



The goal is to create a feature that enables anyone with basic social media knowledge to create collaborative vlogs using the Wibble app. The concept is inspired by the social media story-sharing model.





Swiftly invite collaborators at any point in the vlog.

Easily add collabs with their Wibble usernames to your ongoing or new vlog. You can also invite them by sharing a uniquely generated link via any messaging app. They can use Google or Apple login to instantly sign up and contribute via web or the mobile app.

Record, edit, share.

Just like how you capture social media stories, record, edit, and share. All of your collabs will have the access to the clips within a few seconds.

Access clips from collaborators.

No more messy iPhone gallery. All the clips are in your Wibble gallery as your collabs share. All the clips will be synced automatically to your Wibble cloud gallery and every collaborator will have access to all the clips.

Collect feedback & iterate on the go.

Share among your friends and collect feedback faster without any hassle. For those who are not on the app, share the public link to watch on the browser and collect feedback.

Web app for convenience.

Not everybody has the app available. The web app allows your friends to share video clips by recording or uploading them to the shared link.

Anish W.


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Tali O.


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Yamitha L.

Product Designer

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Dilara M.


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Wimansha C.

iOS Developer

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Amila S.

iOS Developer

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Mobile vlogging app

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